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Rules for the 2024 adidas Warrior Memorial Day Classic

Rules for the 2023 adidas Warrior Memorial Day Classic

RULES for the 2023 adidas Warrior Soccer Classic Tournament to be held May 26-28, 2023.

Warrior Classic - PO Box 24232 - Dayton OH 45424
Steve Paddon at 937-510-8437; email to

All games may be played within three (3) sites in Dayton (WSC - Warrior Soccer Complex); Huber Heights (CLD - Cloud Park) and Vandalia OH (VAN- Vandalia Rec Center).

Registration Online. We will provide more information after teams are accepted via online on how to provide registration requirements. If you need directions, Contact Steve Paddon at 937-510-8437.

1. The Players must present picture identification cards issued by the teams Federation Organization Member (USYS, CLUB SOCCER, AYSO, other)
2. Teams must provide proof of approval of the team’s participation from the teams Federation Organization Member.
3. Teams from outside the State Association, Ohio South Youth Soccer Association, where the tournament is located must provide proof of permission to travel. Teams must be in good standing with their Federation Organization.

For a team coming from a CONCACAF nation:
1. Players must present passports at registration or, if from a nation that the United States does not require a passport, proof of entry into the United States that is required by the United States.
2. Teams are required to have and present player picture identification cards.
3. Teams must have a completed form from its Provincial or National Association approving the team’s participation in the tournament.

The Roster submitted at Tournament Registration will be the official Roster for the Tournament and will be frozen and may not be altered. A player may only play for one team.

Player and Coach Credentials and Uniforms
1. Player and coach picture identification cards are to be present and available at all matches.
2. All shirt numbers of each player must be different.


Age-----Format-----Prelim-----Finals-----Overtime-----No. of-----Number-----Minimum-----No. of-----Game
U8--------7v7------50 min-----50 min----2x5 min-------14----------14-------------5-------------4---------4
U9--------7v7------50 min-----50 min----2x5 min-------14----------14-------------5-------------4---------4
U10-------7v7------50 min-----50 min----2x5 min-------14----------14-------------5-------------4---------4
U10-------9v9------50 min-----50 min----2x5 min-------18----------18-------------6-------------4---------4
U11-------9v9------50 min-----50 min----2x5 min-------18----------18-------------6-------------4---------4
U12-------9v9------50 min-----50 min----2x5 min-------18----------18-------------6-------------4---------4
U12------11v11----60 min-----70 min----2x5 min-------18----------22-------------7-------------4---------5
U13------11v11----60 min-----70 min----2x5 min-------18----------22-------------7-------------4---------5
U14------11v11----60 min-----70 min----2x5 min-------18----------22-------------7-------------4---------5
U15------11v11----70 min-----80 min----2x5 min-------18----------22-------------7-------------4---------5
U16------11v11----70 min-----80 min----2x5 min-------18----------22-------------7-------------4---------5
U17------11v11----70 min-----80 min----2x5 min-------18----------22-------------7-------------4---------5
U18------11v11----70 min-----80 min----2x5 min-------18----------22-------------7-------------4---------5
U19------11v11----70 min-----80 min----2x5 min-------18----------22-------------7-------------4---------5

The Tournament reserves the right to consolidate age groups if necessary. We will have at least 1 level of competition for each division. Gold, Red, White, Black, Blue, etc. If we consolidate groups into an 11v11 age group we will allow teams in this age group to move to the other age group.

Four (4) guest players will be allowed per team. Guest player Rosters should be validated by your state association/country federation (if required by your association).

1. The first team listed in the tournament schedule on the website is the home team and are responsible to change in a color conflict.
2. A maximum of 3 coaches and a State issued Director of Coaches (DOC) pass are permitted on the coach’s side of the field.
3. All coaches must remain within 20 yards of the center line on their half of the field, and both team's spectators will be on the opposite side of the field.
4. Field marshals will communicate which side is the coach’s side if questions arise.
5. Spectators are not permitted behind the end line and specifically the goals.

LAWS of the GAME:

All FIFA Laws of the Game Apply unless stated below.

Player Substitution:
1. Substitutes must be at the midfield line.
2. Unlimited substitutions for all age groups will be allowed with the consent of the referee.
3. Before a throw-in in your favor. The team in possession of the ball for a throw-in may substitute. If the team in possession of the ball for a throw-in substitutes player(s), the opposing team may substitute any number of players at the same time.
4. Before a goal-kick.
5. After a score by either team.
6. At half time.
7. After an injury, by either team, when the referee stops play.
8. After a caution, one for one by both teams, if the cautioned player is substituted.

Match Lengths:
1. All games will consist of two halves of equal length.
1. No overtime periods in preliminary games.
2. The game clock will not be stopped because of injury to any player. Due to the time allowed for the completion of all games, the clock should run continuously, except if deemed necessary by the referee.
3. Each half shall end when, in the opinion of the referee, the assigned time has been completed.
4. See the chart above for game lengths for both preliminary and final games for all divisions.
5. The Tournament Director(s) reserves the right to adjust game length for conditions beyond their control. See Weather/Reschedule section below.

All U11 and younger divisions are prohibited from deliberately striking a soccer ball with any portion of their head (aka heading). Refer to US Youth Soccer Rule 305.

All coaches MUST have completed the Concussion Training Course for Coaches. It is recommended that all coaches on the sideline have their concussion certificate form and carry the certificate to each game.

A player who is either bleeding or has blood on his/her uniform shall be required to be removed from the field and allowed to return only when in the opinion of the referee the bleeding has stopped and the blood has been removed from the uniform.

1. Red cards will be administered as per FIFA laws of the game. The player or coach will serve a one game suspension unless otherwise determined by the Tournament Director.
2. A player or coach sent off for a second caution will not be allowed to play for the remainder of that game and their next game.
3. Un-served Red cards and game report will be forwarded to their appropriate State or National organizations.

The Tournament will supply the game balls for all games when possible.

1. The referee’s decision as to the safety of the players is final.
2. All players must wear shin guards.
3. No metal-rimmed glasses or jewelry of any kind will be permitted.
4. Casts, splints or body braces made of a hard substance in its final form such as leather, rubber, plastic, plaster or fiberglass must be covered on all exterior surfaces with high density polyurethane or an alternate material of similar physical properties to protect the injury. Players may not play without the approval of the Referee.

Teams not at the field ready to play with a minimum of eligible players at the scheduled game time will forfeit the match at the discretion of the tournament committee. Forfeited scores will be counted as 3 – 0. Teams forfeiting games will not be able to advance to the playoff rounds.

For all age groups the Tournament format calls for three preliminary round games (round robin) with Final Matches in each division. All Divisions will play their Finals on Sunday PM.
Note: Divisions with 5 teams will play 4 games, 2 games per day, and the top 2 teams will receive awards. Divisions with 5 team divisions will not play a Finals game.

The ONLINE Schedules are the OFFICIAL schedules of the adidas Warrior Memorial Day Classic. Each team will be scheduled for a minimum of 3 preliminary games. A maximum of 2 matches will be played on any one day. In cases where a team drops out of the competition some teams may play less than 3 games. See Forfeits for scoring this type of game.

Referees will be USSF certified. Referee decisions are final.

THE CENTER REFEREE WILL SIGN THE GAME CARD CERTIFYING THE FINAL SCORE which will then be delivered to the HQ tent at each site. Site scorer will be responsible for updating the website at Bracket standings leading to championship play, will be determined on the following basis:

1. Preliminary games:
a. No overtime periods will be played for Preliminary games.
b. Each team will be awarded three points for a win, one point for a tie, and no points for a loss.
c. In the event of ties in the group standing, the following procedure will determine the group winner:
d. Team with the most points won.
e. Winner of the game played between the tied teams. (If three or more teams are tied for the group lead, Step 2 is by-passed, go to Step 3).
f. Highest number of total NET goals (goal differential). Maximum goal differential per game is three (3).
g. Fewer total goals allowed.
h. KICKS from the Mark
2. Finals Championship games:
. Ties at the end of regulation will be decided by the Overtime Procedure listed above.
a. KICKS from the Mark ELIMINATION (FIFA laws): When Final matches are still tied after overtime the FIFA laws of the game for KICKS from the Mark apply.

Games interrupted in the first half:
1. If the first half has not been completed and the game is stopped, every effort will be made to complete the game, or play to completion of at least the first half and record the score as final.
2. Games shall be considered completed if the first half has concluded. The score at the stoppage of play will be the final game score.
3. If a game is suspended due to weather problems, field conditions or other situations beyond the tournaments control, each team’s head coach must stay in contact with their site’s tournament headquarters for further instructions go to your car but DO NOT LEAVE THE SITE. Game playing time may be decreased, or games may be concluded at the point of interruption, if necessary.

Disciplinary action taken against a coach will be levied in the next game in which he/she coaches the team playing at the time of the original infraction, or to the next game coached if the violation occurred during the last game for that team. If additional behavior problems occur, the Directors reserve the right to levy additional discipline up to and including expulsion from the Tournament.
1. All participants in the adidas Warrior Memorial Day Classic will be expected to maintain high standards of conduct during their stay in the Dayton area. These standards are expected of players, referees, and other guests in the hotels and motels; keeping noise in the hallways to a minimum, refraining from kicking soccer balls inside any of the buildings, and being respectful of the property of others. Should it come to the attention of the Tournament Directors that a person (or persons) has failed to observe these guidelines; the Director reserves the right to take remedial action. Said action, depending upon the circumstances, may range from a warning, a reduction in points in the standings, or banning that team and/or all teams in its club from future participation in the tournament.
2. There shall be no dissent between players and/or coaches and the referee. Questioning a referee is considered dissent. All coaches are responsible for the actions of his or her spectators, specifically verbal abuse of referees. Such abuse will not be tolerated! Violation may result in forfeiture of the game and/or expulsion from further play.
3. Any player or coach ejected from a game will be ineligible to participate in the next scheduled game (a minimum of one game suspension depending upon the severity of the offense). The player/coach pass is to be turned in to the referee headquarters immediately following the initial suspension game. If dismissed in the last game, the player/coach card will be returned to the team if there is not an assault associated with that card. In this case the player/coach card will be held and returned to the appropriate state association.
4. All coaches will remain within 20 yards of the center-line on their half of the field, on the side opposite of both team's spectators. Teams will be located on the same side of the field. Spectators will be on the opposite side.
5. Spectators may be ejected from the park for improper conduct, at the discretion of the tournament officials. Artificial noise makers, such as air horns, bells, etc. are not permitted.
6. If field conditions are such that there is a problem with interference by an outside agent, such as a tree overhanging the field for instance, the play will be restarted with a drop ball. Cloud Park may have some interference from trees. If the ball hits the trees and goes directly out of touch the play will resume with a throw-in.
7. PETS are NOT allowed at any sites.
8. ALL sites are SMOKE FREE!
9. Persons ejected due to any of the above situations must leave the site immediately.

Report of Disciplinary action taken against any team will be reported to that teams provincial or:
1. For United States teams, the procedure for notifying the Federation Organization Member of that team of disciplinary action taken or required will be followed.
2. For CONCACAF teams, the tournament committee will notify the US Soccer Federation guidelines of disciplinary action taken, and that the Federation will transmit national association.

If the Tournament is cancelled due to events beyond the control of the Tournament Committee, the Tournament will not be required to make any financial remuneration.

By entering this tournament, every participant agrees to accept the jurisdiction of the Tournament Committee or its members, the Warrior Soccer Club, its Board of Trustees and employees, the three sites including WSC - Warrior Soccer Complex; CLD - Cloud Park; VAN - Vandalia/Stonequarry Park; and their respective employees/volunteers, the United States Soccer Federation, United States Youth Soccer Association, and United States Youth Soccer Association North in all matters of dispute. No official, coach, club, league, referee, player or their representative may invoke the aid of the Courts of any political or governmental entity without first exhausting all available remedies within the appropriate affiliated soccer organizations as set forth in these rules, the Constitution and Bylaws of the Warrior Soccer Club, the Constitution and Bylaws of the United States Soccer Federation, the Constitution and Bylaws of the United States Youth Soccer Association, and the Constitution and Bylaws of the Ohio South Youth Soccer Association. For violation of this rule, the offending party shall be subject for all expenses incurred by these associations and/or their officers, as appropriate, in defending each court action, including, but not limited to, court costs, attorney(s) fees and reasonable compensation for all time and expenses.

1. All teams are asked to clean up their team sidelines after each match. Thank you for your support with this effort.
2. In case a situation that may arise and is not addressed specifically in these rules, Tournament Committee's interpretation of the foregoing rules/regulations and unforeseen circumstances shall be final.
3. SCORES: Match and Score Reporting. Scores will be posted as quickly as possible. COACHES or a designated Team Administrator ONLY should report any discrepancies to Headquarters prior to their next game.


adidas Warrior Memorial Day Classic
P.O. Box 24232 Huber Heights, OH 45424 (937) 510-8437
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